I Am Freddie Taylor.


I am the running, reading, beer drinking entrepreneur. You read that correct. I like beer, but there is a caveat, quality over quantity.

The goal here to work on building motivating black entrepreneurs by helping with business, digital and personal development. We are going to have wonderful journey of self discovery, stepping outside our comfort zone and taking things to the next level.

Business Development

We will focus on lessons, tactics, and tips to help you be more successful as an entrepreneur.

Digital Development

We focus on the Internet, social media with tips, suggestions, and things you can do to be more successful.

Personal Development

We focus on self improvement, fitness education and more because the better you think and feel, the better you will perform.

Grow & Be Inspired by my Blog

If you have any questions or want me to cover a subject, let me know.

#003 Reading Challenge Update

Greetings good people! Another week has past and an opportunity to really rack up some pages read. As you know, I follow the 25 pages a day routine…at least I try.  5 Days a week, M-F, is the goal, but this week I didn’t read all five days. Not mad at my performance because I still put some good reading in, getting 100 pages read this week. 4 days of reading…and I might sneak some in today, but we will see. Book #4:  Confessions of a Scholarship Winner. Finished Book #3 of the year, Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill and started #4 Confessions of a Scholarship Winner. Seems like an interesting read. With an 11th grader in the house, I know it is timely. How ANY student–including YOU!–can win scholarships and earn free money for college! On the first day of high school, Kristina Ellis’s mom–a single, working mother who lost her husband to cancer–informed her that she could not financially support her after graduation. Kristina would need to find her own way to pay for college. As an average student with less-than-impressive test scores, Kristina realized she would have to sell herself to scholarship committees if she wanted to stand out. That’s when she devised the plan that led to her receiving over $500,000 in scholarships–enough to pay for her full education at a top- 20 university, all the way through her doctoral degree, and make her dreams come true. How she made it happen–and how you can too!–is the focus of this book. In Confessions of a Scholarship Winner, Kristina shares not just her little-known secrets for scholarship success but her... read more

Reading Challenge Update

Greetings good people! Just wanted to drop you a quick note to bring you up to date on the reading challenge i’ve accepted. The goal is to read 40 books in the calendar year 2015. To do so, I know I need to keep a regular reading pace and not fall behind. I need to read just over 3 books a month. Great Start! Things are going very well thus far. I’ve finished 2 books as of yesterday. Definitely on pace to finish my 40 books in a year reading challenge. Got to keep it up! Book #3: Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill: Read 25 pages in book #3 this morning. Interesting book by Dave Grossman. He is really talking up the correlation between violence in adolescence and young adults and their relation to video games, movies and television that feature violence. Piece of the Books description: There is perhaps no bigger or more important issue in America at present than youth violence. Columbine, Sandy Hook, Aurora: We know them all too well, and for all the wrong reasons: kids, some as young as eleven years old, taking up arms and, with deadly, frightening accuracy, murdering anyone in their paths. What is going on? According to the authors of Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill, there is blame to be laid right at the feet of the makers of violent video games (called “murder trainers” by one expert), the TV networks, and the Hollywood movie studios–the people responsible for the fact that children witness literally thousands of violent images a day. You can keep track of my 2015 reading on... read more

I Will Read 40+ Books in 2015. How Many Will You Commit To Reading?

The calendar year has flipped once again, boys and girls. Hopefully, you have been working diligently towards building and preparing for this wonderful year ahead. I know I have and am very excited to rip the doors off this year of my goals and ambitions….starting with my reading. As an entrepreneur, I know reading continually  building our knowledge base is critically important to our future. Therefore, I don’t want to waste any more time not reading and filling my head with wonderful ideas, case studies, stories, laws and more to put them into my business and future. My Reading Goal In 2015, I will read 40+ books this year. Just going to take some daily focus of reading 25 pages a day, 5 days a week at a minimum. I want to pick it up in 2015 because I lagged last year. Here is my yearly book break down: (Click the year and it will take you to the list of books I read that year.) 2012 – 41 Books 2013 – 30 Books 2014 – 20 Books 91 Books over the last three years isn’t bad at all. Most people don’t read that many in their post school lifetime, so I know i’m ahead of the curve, but i’m not an average person. Therefore, it is time to drive that number up. 40+ on deck for 2015 and here is the Pinterest thread I will be keeping tabs on them if you are interested in following and reading along. http://www.pinterest.com/thinktaylor/2015-books-i-read-or-am-reading/ The Book Is In Your Court Well? Are you going to join me on this reading adventure in... read more

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